Nicolas GUILLIOT's homepage



Last Update: April 3, 2023
11 :25 PM

 Nicolas GUILLIOT_________________________________________

  • Professional address:
    Department of Language Sciences, Office A321
    Domaine Universitaire Bordeaux Montaigne
    33607 Pessac

  • Affiliation: CLLE Montaigne, LLING (associate member)
  • E-mail address: 
  • Main Topics of Research: syntax/semantics/prosody interfaces, cognition (psycholinguistics, parsing, acquisition), Dynamic Syntax, syntactic dependencies (relative caluses, clefts, questions) and reconstruction, semantic dependencies (pronouns, ellipsis) and resumption, negation, coordination.
  • My PhD thesis: “La Reconstruction à l'interface Syntaxe/Sémantique”, defended in December 2006, and supervised by Hamida Demirdache, at the University of Nantes.
  • Research habilitation (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches): “Structuration de la phrase: enjeux syntaxiques, sémantiques, prosodiques, et cognitifs”, defended in December 2019, and supervised by Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie, at the University of Nantes.
  • My CV: click here. To get more precise information or to download documents (handouts, publications), you can use the other sections of the website.
  • Projects: principal investigator for the regional project PaRL 2022-2025 - Patrimoine Régional Linguistique en Nouvelle-Aquitaine. For more details, please follow the following link PaRL.